Ruta Arqueológica de la Cabruñana

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Cabruñana Archaeological Route
GPS: 43.40442553576703, -6.11848300026044

Alto de Cabruñana - Alto de Cabruñana 4,4

This simple circular route through the archaeological heritage of Grado begins at the Alto de la Cabruñana, which can be reached by the national road 634, where we can leave our car parked in one of the local establishments.

We start walking along an asphalted track following the sign that marks the PR127 route, which will take us to the Cabruñana recreational area in just over a kilometre. Along the way we can see the tomb necropolis of La Cueña, made up of nine tomb structures with a concave profile. The burial mounds are funerary monuments erected by the societies that existed between the Neolithic period and the early Bronze Age. Pay attention as they are somewhat overgrown with vegetation.

About 100 metres after passing this area, you will find the first fork in the track: the branch to the right heads towards Castiello'l Pedreo, located about 500 metres away, while the branch to the left, which ascends, takes you to Llano las Ayalgas.

Along the way there will be some crossroads, which we will ignore, and we will continue straight on without turning off in any of the cases. Having almost reached kilometre 2, you will find yourself in Llano las Ayalgas. This is another tomb necropolis, made up of four structures in this case, which houses around twenty tombs grouped in small cemeteries.

After a few metres there is another crossroads, where the signpost is covered by vegetation; continue straight on until the next crossroads, where you turn left to continue along the path straight ahead. Along the path, which runs through a mixed forest of oak and chestnut trees, we can enjoy beautiful views of Cornellana and the Salas valley.

At approximately kilometre 3.6, there is another crossroads, which we will skip again, and continue along our path, which passes by an old washing place. Some 400 metres further on, carefully cross the N634 road and head towards the cemetery, where you will find, among the little that remains after its demolition, the apse of the old parish church of Santa María Magdalena de Cabruñana.

This apse still treasures some mural paintings from the Modern Age (16th-17th centuries) with the figures of the apostles, the archangel St. Michael, the four evangelists and the figure of the Lord.

Once visited, there are only a few metres left to finish at the initial starting point of this brief but enriching route.