Ruta de Verdicio al Cabo de Peñas

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Route from Verdicio to Cabo de Peñas
GPS: 43.62979781284211, -5.867920098935119

Verdicio - Peñes 5,4

The route starts at the eastern end of Verdicio beach. We follow the path parallel to the line of cliffs until it starts to go inland. One kilometre into the route, turn left at the crossroads and stay on this path until you reach the village of El Ferriru.

After about 2.30 kilometres, as soon as you enter the village there is a junction with five roads. Take the one immediately to the left, heading northwest, and 100 metres further on, at the fork in the road, take the road to the left, which passes in front of the Casa Maravilla restaurant, and follow the coastline.

At kilometre point 4.3, the path heads inland and leads away from the coast; you will come to a crossroads where you should take the path to the left.

After 4.6 kilometres, almost at the end of our route, we come to a crossroads where we must turn right; we then continue straight on for 800 metres until we reach the Peñas lighthouse, in Peñes, a stunning landscape and the end of the route.