La Regueirina Trail

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La Regueirina Path
GPS: 43.34580333145838, -6.323320109658296

El Faedal - El Faedal

El Faidal - El Faidal 3

We take the village of El Pedregal as a reference point, located on the AS 216 between La Espina and Tineo, where we take a road that leads off to the left in the middle of the village.

The route begins in the village of El Faidal. Here, next to a hermitage, you take an asphalted track to the left, which heads towards some houses that can be seen in the background.

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Shortly afterwards you see a semi-derelict building in front of a white house, and then the route leaves the track, taking the path to the right, which runs between stone walls and with the ground completely covered in grass. Little by little, a winding path begins, which leads us to a chestnut grove.

Shortly afterwards, cross the Regueirina stream over some stones and begin a slight, short climb. Shortly afterwards we reach the mill of El Faidal. In a small clearing we find a table and next to it the remains of the mill, where we can still see the water channel leading to the mill and the funnel through which the water fell onto the wheel that moved the whole system.

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Next to it, a path leads off, leaving the building on the right, ascending through the chestnut grove, to meet up with a path shortly afterwards. When you reach this path, continue straight on, ascending and shortly afterwards coming across a huge ditch.

Continue along a wide path that leaves a meadow on the left, and shortly after leaves the chestnut grove, heading towards the high-voltage power line that you can see in the background, where you will find yourself at the highest point of the route.

Once there, we turn left, continuing along the track, which soon becomes wider and narrower due to the stone walls of the meadows and from where we can see Peña Manteca in the background, already in the council of Belmonte. Once at the crossroads, we can see the village of El Faidal on the left, to which we return along the track.