The Enchanted Trail

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The Enchanted Path
GPS: 43.38824011652798, -4.934076751407129

La Venta los Probes - Gomezán - La Malatería - Villanueva - Palacio - Ardisana - Riocaliente - La Venta los Probes

La Venta los Probes - La Venta los Probes 9

The path starts in the village of Venta los Probes (Llanes) next to the bar and bowling alley where we can contemplate the first two of the many wooden carvings that dot the path.

We take the road to Los Callejos and, a little before crossing the river, we turn left, walking alongside the San Miguel river. When you reach a crossroads turn left and after crossing the road take a track that climbs up to Gomezán, where you will be greeted by Sumiciu, the goblin associated with the disappearance of objects.

After passing the village the track turns into a path and enters a beautiful forest that leads us to the village of La Malatería where we are greeted by "El hombre del saco", a character from children's folklore.

After seeing the church and the village, we reach the road, which we follow to the right for a short stretch, to take the second track on the left that enters a pasture area, turning into a path after a short stretch, a prelude to a beautiful forest where we are welcomed by the "Pataricu", a one-eyed creature that watches over the children and feeds on them.

Shortly after, the path widens again and the "Diablo burlón", a mythological being that can transform itself into different creatures such as a ram, appears before us.

We continue along the track that descends towards the village of Villanueva, passing the "Nuberu", lord of rain and storms, in the antechamber of Campu La Prida where the church of Santa Eulalia de Ardisana is located.

We cross the esplanade leaving the church behind us to head towards a large walnut tree where a paved path descends slightly, arriving next to a road. Here we continue to the left to enter the village. Continue on and a few metres further on we turn right and go down a path to find the Fuente del Cañu fountain and at its side the figure of the "Segador" (the reaper) with his scythe.

As soon as we pass it, a path leads off to the left that takes us to Ardisana, where we are welcomed by "El Cuélebre", a winged serpent that guards the treasures and princesses, next to an enormous rock.

Leave the rock behind to reach a road where you continue to the right, passing by the schools. As soon as you pass the schools, a paved path to the left leads downhill into a wood. A few metres further on there is a path on the right that continues downhill to the side of a stream where we come across the carving of the "Lavandera", a character that is both good and evil at the same time.

Continuing downhill, we come across the Cruz de los Garabiales (Cross of the Garabiales, 1761). A little further down we come across the "Busgosu", a creature half man half ram, benefactor and guide to the shepherds, who helps to repair the huts in the "brañas", as well as lord of the forests and protector of the flora and fauna that inhabit them.

Shortly after we reach the road at the entrance to Riocaliente where we come across the penultimate carving "La Manona o Pesadiellu", a gigantic and horrible hand that disturbs everything in a house. We cross the bridge over the San Miguel river and enter Riocaliente.

Here, among a group of granaries and next to a huge chestnut tree, we come across the "Castañera". We retrace our steps to return to the asphalted road, where we turn left and walk along the San Miguel river through a beautiful landscape with the Culobardón peak of the Sierra de Peña Villa in the background until we reach the starting point after 2 km.