Featured Events
The Exconxuraos in Llanera

The fairground of Llanera, in Posada, hosts the festival of Los Exconxuraos, a commemoration of a historical event that took place in the Council a long time ago and whose recovery was initiated by the residents of this central Asturian municipality just over a decade ago.

This event has been declared a Festival of Tourist Interest of the Principality of Asturias.

It is held during the first weekend of July and has become a reference point for Llanera and the people of Llanera as it serves to unite and bring together all the neighbours, just as their ancestors did in the past.

Throughout the weekend there are activities and shows that put the visitor in situation and take them back to medieval times. Ribbons, banners, shields, warriors, jesters, knights, musicians... add colour to this festival, which is already a regional and national reference point.

The main activity is the great medieval dinner, which each year brings together more than 1,000 diners who share a table in an atmosphere that evokes an authentic parade ground. The attendees, dressed in period costumes, will feel like real medieval characters while enjoying various performances, jesters, magicians, men of fire...

On Thursday 27th from 9:00 h. tickets will be on sale for the dinner which will be held on Saturday 6th July, starting at 21:00 h.
This year tickets can only be purchased online, at the municipal website, https://www.llanera.es.

Each person will be able to purchase a maximum of eight seats per purchase and each table will seat eight people. The dinner menu consists of country salad, roast chorizo, lamb, dessert, Rioja wine, coffee and liqueur.

Prices range from €30 for adults to €12 for children between 4 and 8 years old. Children under the age of four can attend free of charge.

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