- Title Avilés
- Address Locality: Avilés
- Days Days: Easter Monday
- Type Type: Festivity of tourist interest
The Festival of El Bollo in Avilés is the ideal culmination to the Easter festivities in Avilés, also known as Villa del Adelantado in clear reference to the distinguished figure of D. Pedro Menéndez, sailor and founder of the first city in the United States.
The festival is celebrated on Sunday and Easter Monday. On Sunday there is a parade of floats and folkloric groups, and on Monday, after the mass in San Nicolás de Bari and the corresponding proclamation, there is a multitudinous meal of fraternisation in the streets of the Old Town of Avilés. The truth is that there is nothing like it anywhere else in Asturias: thousands of people sitting down to enjoy a variety of Asturian delicacies in one of the most important historic quarters in Spain.
By the way, the festival gets its name from the bun or sponge cake given by the godparents to their godchildren on Easter Sunday.