- Title Castropol
- Address Locality: Castropol
- Days Days: Corpus Christi
- Type Type: Fiesta of touristic interest in the Principality of Asturias
"Colours were made for tastes and for colours flowers". This popular saying becomes reality at the Corpus Christi weekend in Castropol, which is adorned on Sunday with its famous and traditional floral carpets.
So one of the most beautiful seafaring towns in Asturias reaches the zenith of its colourfulness and customs as always with the staging of its floral carpets for the religious festival of Corpus Christi. Not even the oldest inhabitants remember how or when this curious custom began. The only thing that is known for certain is that always at this same epoch the narrow, sinuous streets of its haughty, panoramic old quarter have been adorned by these elaborate, colourful vegetable coverings which leave the inhabitants and visitors open mouthed year after year.
The grand day of the fiesta, Corpus Christi, all the First Communion children carry the Baby Jesus and the Virgin Mary on their shoulders, followed by the band of Castropol and numerous members of the public who gather for the celebration, fascinated by this special moment.