- Title Mieres
- Address Locality: Turón
- Days Days: November 30th to December 9th
- Type Type: Festival of Tourist Interest of the Principality of Asturias
This is a highly original event because it focuses on a gastronomic activity that is deeply rooted in Asturias, namely the tasting of a good Asturian stew, but which in the Turón Valley has specific peculiarities as it is a "poorer, more watered-down stew, with more fat to make it fartuque and with some crumbled beans to fatten the broth", as the locals say.
These peculiarities are such that some culinary critics and popular wisdom have given it a name of its own: 'Pote minero de Turón'.
These days, which have been held for more than twenty-five years, coinciding with the festivity of Santa Bárbara - patron saint of miners -, take place in one of the most representative valleys of mining and industrial heritage in Asturias.
In fact, the Pozu Santa Bárbara was declared an Asset of Cultural Interest in 2010, and can be visited with a guided tour. Furthermore, the entire natural environment has been declared a Protected Landscape of the Cuencas Mineras.
The religious manifestations of this festival include a mass sung by the Miners' Choir and the procession of Santa Bárbara. There is also an emotional ceremony with a floral offering in memory of the miners who died in the mines of the Turón Valley.