Bres Water House
- Title Taramundi Western Asturias
- Address Address: ■ 33775 - Bres
- Phone Phone: 985 646 877
- Email Email:
Located in the council of Taramundi, it is an example of pre-industrial heritage linked to the culture and landscape of the area.
The Casa de l'Aigua de Bres was created to disseminate the relationship between culture and the dynamics of water throughout history. In this installation, water is conceived, on the one hand, as a living substance capable of developing a force that men have been using throughout history to carry out tasks that require power and routine work.
Water is understood as a raw material, either flowing or stored in aquifers from which it is extracted for direct consumption or for irrigation of farmland. A whole history of water that is worth getting to know.
Group visits can be arranged at any time of the year.
Bres Water House
GPS: 43.369375,-7.064950
Schedules and prices
Check availability at the Tourist Office in Taramundi.