- Title Gozón Asturias Centre
- Extension Extension: 19 km 2
It is undoubtedly one of the most rugged places in the Principality and with the greatest personality. Its steep cliffs, which sometimes reach a height of 100 metres, break over the waters of the Bay of Biscay, forming an ensemble of incomparable beauty. This area can be visited thanks to a wooden footbridge that helps to conserve this area of enormous natural value.
Inland, the relief is not very pronounced, with short, small river valleys. The beaches are usually pebble or sandy and of great beauty. Among them are the beaches of Xagó and Verdicio.
From Peñes, you can see small islands and rocky islets, including La Erbosa, the second largest island in the Principality.
Plant life
In those areas where the marine influence is felt, halophilic vegetation develops. In the upper levels, where the marine influence disappears, we find different types of woodland with a predominance of oak groves.
The vegetation landscape is currently made up of wide expanses of meadows, among which there are plots of land dedicated to forestry crops, mainly eucalyptus.
A plant element of great interest are the aquatic and turphophilous communities, which develop in small depressions in the heart of the scrubland that surrounds Peñes.
Birds and some small mammals are the vertebrate groups of greatest interest. Among the latter, the European hare is worth mentioning. Some small carnivores such as martens and foxes regularly roam the area. Among the birds, the presence of the shag and the storm petrel is significant.
Peñes is located in the central area of the Asturian coast, between Gijón and Avilés and belongs entirely to the council of Gozón.