- Title Somiedo Asturias Centre
It is made up of the Saliencia Lakes (Calabazosa or Lago Negro, Cerveriz, Laguna de Almagrera or La Mina and La Cueva) and Lago del Valle, as well as the high mountain area that separates them, in which the Picos Albos stand out.
From a geological point of view, the Natural Monument is formed by a set of glacial cirque lakes, originated by over-excavation processes, and connected by glacial valleys, between which rises a limestone massif with numerous typical forms of glacial erosion such as dolines, uvalas, poljés, lapiaz fields, etc.
The Saliencia Lakes are listed as a Point of Geological Interest by the Geominero Institute of Spain. Until only a few decades ago, an iron mine was in operation next to the lake of La Cueva, which has given it its characteristic reddish colour. In the vicinity of the lake, you can still see the mine mouths and several of the mine's installations in ruins.
In this imposing natural site, which forms part of the Somiedo Natural Park, you can take several hiking routes, and thus appreciate the beauty of the lakes from above. The relative hardness of some parts of the path is rewarded with the final view.
The Somiedo Lake District is located in the municipality of Somiedo and includes the area around the Lago del Valle, the area around the Saliencia lakes, and the area between these lakes and the municipal boundary to the south.