- Title Villaviciosa Eastern Asturias
Its main interest is that it is the largest Asturian cave developed in Jurassic limestone. It is also remarkable in the biological field. Basically, it is formed by a wide initial gallery that divides into two branches, both of which are crossed by active courses that originate in two siphons and finally converge in a single underground river that emerges at the entrance. Strongly conditioned by the stratification, the limestone slabs have caused numerous internal collapses, so that the known accessible development is probably less than the real one.
The presence of five species of bats, some forming large colonies, gives this cave a special significance from a conservation point of view. In addition, a new insect species, the beetle Speogeus diegoi, has been described here.
The Lloviu Cave is located between El Puente Arroes and Pión, in the council of Villaviciosa, two kilometres from the latter town, next to the river España.
Villaviciosa Tourist Office
Telephone: 985 891 759