- Title Cangas de Onís Eastern Asturias
- Extension Extension: 12 Ha. km 2
- Maximum elevation Maximum elevation: 1.070 m.
Emerald green in colour, darker in summer than in winter, its depth allows for thermal stratification of the water during the summer and part of the autumn, forming three layers in the mass of water with a temperature that descends from the outer layer to the deep one and whose density increases from one layer to the next, preventing the waters from mixing. In late autumn, the thermal stratification disappears and the waters of the three layers mix.
Plant life
In Lake Enol there is a small number of carophytes on the shore, hardly any emergent plants grow and in the area above the shore there is very little wet ground vegetation.
The lakes of Covadonga have been successively repopulated with fish, of which there are still some specimens of tench (Tinca tinca), crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes phoxinus), trout (Salmo trutta fario) and crayfish (Phoxinus phoxinus).
The fish introduced into the Lakes feed mainly on aquatic invertebrates, especially larvae of dragonflies (odonates), friganeans (trichoptera), small crustaceans and beetles (coleoptera), although the trout also feed on piscivores, which in turn are their competitors.
From Cuadonga/Covadonga, it can be reached by a 10 km road that climbs 680 metres in altitude, with a gradient of around 7%.
To get to the Covadonga Lakes in summer, consult the public transport to the Covadonga Lakes.
Restricted access to the Covadonga Lakes (00:00 to 24:00 h.)
- March: 23rd to 31st
- April:
Weekends: 06,07; 13,14; 20,21; 27,28
29 y 30
- May:
01 to 03
Weekends: 04,05; 11,12; 18,19; 25,26
- June to October:
01/06 to 13/10 (except 25/07 and 08/09)
Weekends: 19,20; 26,27
- November: 01 to 03 and 30
- December: 01 to 09
- Advance ticket purchase
- Timetables shuttle service from Cangues d'Onís/Cangas de Onís to the Royal Site
- Timetables Plan for access to the Covadonga Lakes
Exceptions to the restriction: cyclists, authorised vehicles, sporting events and other duly authorised activities. Only Euro-IV or higher buses are allowed.
Applications to the Picos de Europa National Park: documents and forms
Guided routes in the National Park