- Title Ponga Eastern Asturias
- Extension Extension: 255 km 2
- Maximum elevation Maximum elevation: 2.142 m. Ten Crag
Among its most important mountain alignments is the sector of the Cantabrian Mountain Range that forms its southern boundary and forms the watershed between the Sella and Duero basins, with peaks such as El Abedular (1,813 m.), Les Pandes (1,879 m.) and Peña Ten (2,142 m.), among others. The Cordal de Ponga forms its western limit and includes notable peaks such as Maciéndome (1,899 m.), Tiatordos (1,951 m.) and Campigüeños (1,838 m.), among others.
The most important rivers in the council are the Sella, which crosses the eastern part of the territory to continue its course through Amieva, and the Ponga, which runs through the council from south to north. The local tributaries of the Sella include the Roabín stream, the Mojizo river, the Porciles river and Santa Bustia. The most important tributaries of the Ponga are the rivers Taranes and Valle Moro. Most of these river valleys are narrow and their slopes are very steep, the most spectacular cases being the Desfiladero del Ponga and the Desfiladero de los Beyos.
The Ponga Park maintains a high environmental diversity, representative of the central-eastern mountains of Asturias, as well as a remarkable degree of conservation of its natural resources (geological, plant and animal).
From a geological point of view, the territory of the Ponga Natural Park is located in the so-called "Ponga Unit", whose most outstanding structural feature is the presence of a series of sinuous thrusts, due to the existence of transversal folds. There is also an important set of fractures that cut both groups of structures, some of them presenting a notable lateral extension, as is the case with the Ventaniella Fault which, due to the Alpine Orogeny, has undergone a vertical displacement with elevation of the northeastern block, thus giving rise to the mountainous alignment of the Ponga Range.
In the Ponga Natural Park dogs must be under the effective control of their owner (preferably on a leash), except for herd guarding dogs, hunting dogs and guide dogs.
- Causing a nuisance to wildlife or damaging flora.
- Free camping, caravans or other mobile shelters (except bivouacking in ZUG, ZUA and ZAM).
- Water activities such as canyoning, white water rafting, rafting, etc. (with the exception of the Viboli and Carangas canyons, which will be authorised use).
- Sporting activities with motor vehicles.
- Aerial sporting activities in gliding, parachuting, paragliding and similar activities.
Plant life
Ponga Nature Park is characterized by its excellent state of preservation. Proof of this is the major area occupied by mature forests, comprising 37% of the territory, including various types of oak, birch, ash groves with maple, alder, and especially beech.
Such is the ecological importance of Ponga's forests that Peloño Partial Nature Reserve, an extensive, continuous beech wood, can be found inside the park.
These woodlands alternate with other formations such as meadows, pastures and moors abundant in broom, heather and gorse, a consequence of ancestral land use, making the landscape of Ponga singularly beautiful. There are also significant chestnut plantations, which are very striking, being concentrated in the central area of the park, around the villages of Beleño, Abiegos and Taranes.
Finally worth noting is the presence of numerous azonal populations of rupicolous species existing on the steep rocky slopes of Tiatordos Peak, an optimal habitat for these species, or high mountain species, relegated to the highest areas in the northeast of the park.
The outstanding feature of the plantlife in the park is the presence of several species listed in the Catalogue of Threatened Flora of Asturias. Yew and holly grow in the woodland settings, the latter even forming small stands. The Asturian daffodil can also be found in the park, as well as gentian, both widely distributed throughout the region.
All the elements that make up the rich wildlife of the eastern-central mountains are represented in Ponga Nature Park. The good state of conservation of its habitats allows the most emblematic species of the Cantabrian Mountains to be found in this area.
Among the mammals, specimens of the brown bear, listed as an endangered species, can sporadically be spotted here, in addition to the typical species of the eastern Asturian mountains. The otter and muskrat are found in most of the rivers in this area, thus reflecting the good state of conservation of these ecosystems, given the strict ecological requirements of both species.
In the broom and meadows abound the broom hare, though the European hare may also be spotted, finding in Ponga one of its last sanctuaries.
Game species include deer, roe deer, Cantabrian chamois and wild boar.
Ponga Nature Park has a rich and diverse birdlife. Among the most important species are the black woodpecker, the Cantabrian capercaillie and the middle spotted woodpecker, the latter two listed as species susceptible to habitat disturbance by the Regional Catalogue. This area is also home to many birds of prey, such as the golden eagle, the griffon vulture, the Egyptian vulture and the hawk. Species linked to high mountain habitats, such as the alpine sparrow and grey partridge, can be seen in the highest reaches of the borough.
Ponga Nature Park is located in the central-eastern sector of the Cantabrian Mountains, with the entire territory of the park lying within the borough of Ponga.
The main road links are the N-625 (Cangas de Onís-Riaño), which runs along the course of the River Sella, and the AS-261 (Puente de los Grazos-Beleño). In addition, other secondary roads and tracks link up many of the villages and upper reaches of the Ponga lower basin (River Ventaniella) and Mount Peloño.
Interpretation Center Hours:
October to May
Tuesday to Saturday: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
Sunday: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
June to September
Monday to Saturday: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
Sunday: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
Ponga Nature Park
Reception and
Interpretation Centre
33557 San Juan de Beleño
Phone 985 843 113