La Encina
- Bed places Bed places: 8
- Rooms Rooms: 4
- Address Ribadesella Oriente de Asturias
- Address Address: ■ 33568 - Cuerres
- Phone Phone: 902 107 070 / 985 401 243
- Email Email:
- Closed Closed: 22/12 a 07/01
- Open all year round Open all year round
Services and amenities
Common amenities and services
- Calefacción
- Lavadora
- Parking
- Salón con TV
Complementary services
- Jardín
- Admite tarjetas
High season:
15/07 a 31/08, SS y P
Low season:
Resto del año
La Encina
GPS: 43.4441646,-4.9909267
Information provided by :VV La Encina.
Establishment registered with the Principality of Asturias Registry of Tourist Activities with DGT code VV0158.
Approximate rates.