Etapa 2: Llanes - Ribadesella/Ribeseya

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Stage 2: Llanes - Ribadesella/Ribeseya 29.8 Kms

Crossing Llanes, continue along the AS-263 until you join the old road to Po, crossing the railway line to the left. After passing Po, take a detour to the right towards the monastery of San Salvador de Celorio and border the beach of Palombina. Continue to Barru and head towards the Niembro estuary to cross a bridge. Next to the Santín Chapel, take the Cuesta de Niembru and cross a local road to continue west to El Valle.

Take the sea path on the right, passing through Amelladeru and descend to the monastery of San Antolín de Bedón. Crossing the River Bedón, continue to Naves and Villah.ormes, where you take the cemetery road and then a track on the right to La Venta. Continuing westwards, we come to the Huergo bridge and the road takes us to Nueva. From here we leave the AS-263, cross the motorway at an underpass and arrive at Piñeres.

Join the road to La Pesa and take the turning to the left to the church of San Pedro de Pría. Descend this road to La Pesa, and turn left to join the road to Llames. The path continues to the medieval bridge of Aguamía. We go up towards La Cereceda in Cuerres, and cross the railway line to Toriellu, crossing it through the San Martin district. Once again we cross the railway line and continue to Sobares, Argunadieyu and La Espina, where we cross the railway again and follow the AS-263 to enter Ribadesella through the district of El Portiellu.