- Title Oscos-Eo
- Address Address: C/ Solleiro, 18. 33775 Taramundi, Taramundi
- Phone Phone: 985 646 877
- Email Email: turismo@taramundi.net
- Site Site: https://www.taramundi.es/oficina-de-turismo
- Street map Street map: Download Street map
It is a reference point in the world for being one of the pioneering centres of rural tourism in Spain. The town of Taramundi, the capital of the council, and its old rectory house rose to media notoriety in the 1980s for being a pioneering and pilot experiment in rural tourism in a then depressed area. It turned out so well that today the municipality is an emblem of this type of tourism and a model of sustainable development to be followed, in which tourists can enjoy routes on foot, by bike, etc., as well as having the chance to taste traditional local cuisine or delve into the world of cutlery and blacksmiths, whose tradition is due to the abundance of iron in the area and dates back to the Middle Ages.
The hydraulic devices linked to the land, water, fire and iron are very well highlighted in the Ethnographic Ensemble of Os Teixóis, and at the same time, this world of the past brings with it a universe of traditional trades that still survive today, as is the case of cutlery - which is one of the trademarks of Taramundi in the world -, which can be seen in the House Museum of Traditional Cutlery in Taramundi - where the Museum of Traditional Cutlery in Taramundi is located.in Taramundi - where the largest knife in the world can be seen -, or seen live in a workshop. The Museum of the Loom also in Taramundi, the Ethnographic Museum of Esquíos, or the Museum of the Mills of Mazonovo are also facilities that transport us to that world of crafts and trades so characteristic and so deeply rooted in this part of Asturias.
Population: 739 inhabitants
Surface area: 82.16 km2
- Top ten things to see and do in Taramundi.
- The village of Taramundi and the Hotel La Rectoral.
- Museum of Cutlery.
- Ethnographic Ensemble of Os Teixóis.
- O Mazonovo Mills Museum.