- Title Somiedo Asturias Centre
- Extension Extension: 7.5 ha. km 2
- Maximum elevation Maximum elevation: 1.615 m.
The basin is completely enclosed, so that the view is limited to the immense basin.
The eastern half of the basin retains its pastoral character, while the north side, where the mining track has access, is artificially terraced, and is used as a spontaneous camping site, as it has a spring and a large area for parking vehicles. The lake collects the waters of several tributaries, and it is possible that there is another one that flows below the ordinary water level.
The Saliencia Lakes form part of the Somiedo Lake Complex, declared a Natural Monument.
Plant life
When the dammed flow is used for industrial purposes during the autumn, the water level drops to the maximum primitive level, at which time the carophytes (Chara and Nitella) appear, distributed in concentric bands that follow the oscillations of the level. They also appear on the bottom, although in this case they have a more uniform coverage and are permanently submerged.
The transparency of the water and the periodic oscillation of the water level suggest a deeper distribution of one or perhaps both of these rooting algae (Chara globularis). The buttercup is scarce and exposed to desiccation.
Macrofauna is scarce. There is the crustacean Gamarus lacustris and, among the vegetation, the leech Helobdella stagnalis, oligochaetes, molluscs (bivalves and gastropods), coryxids and chironomid dipterans. There are also mayflies, pearls, tadpoles (Bufo bufo) and an abundance of piscardo.
It is accessed via the mining track along the lake.