The Asturian coast hides a natural spectacle of singular beauty: the blowholes. These curious geological formations, the result of marine erosion on limestone rock, are real sea vents.


Image of the blowholes de Pría in the council of Llanes in the foreground.

When the waves crash against the cliffs, the water penetrates through cracks and cavities in the rock and accumulates underground. The pressure exerted by the water, when it finds an outlet, causes impressive jets that can reach several metres in height, accompanied by a characteristic hissing sound. This phenomenon, which resembles a marine geyser, has turned the bufones into one of the major tourist attractions in Asturias.

The best-known blowholes are to be found in the councils of Llanes and Ribadesella. Observing them is an unforgettable experience, but it should always be done from a safe place, respecting the indications and signposts. The force of nature is unpredictable and it is essential to keep a safe distance from these phenomena.

Undoubtedly, this is an experience that will leave an indelible mark on any visitor. It is important to note that the activity of the bufones is not constant and depends on various factors, such as the strength of the waves, the tide and atmospheric conditions. The best time to see them in their splendour is at high tide, coinciding with rough seas.

Discover the sea geysers of the Asturian coastline

The geysers are true spectacles of nature. These rock formations, when the sea is rough and the tide is high, release water under pressure creating impressive jets, an experience not to be missed!