Central hidráulica de la Malva

Go to Image La Malva Hydroelectric Power Station
La Malva hydroelectric power station, maintained over time thanks to its spectacular location in the heart of the Somiedo Natural Park.
La Malva Hydroelectric Power Station
GPS: 43.11643,-6.25228

Opening times:
Mondays and public holidays: closed.
Tuesday to Friday: 16:00h and 17:30 h.
Weekends: 11:00 h, 12:30 h, 16:00 h and 17:30 h.

EDP's programme of visits is mainly aimed at secondary school, high school, vocational training and university students, as well as groups, institutions, neighbourhood communities and other associations and the general public who wish to get to know EDP's production centres.

Guided tours of the La Malva hydroelectric power plant are held from April to January.

To request them, it is necessary to fill in the following form and wait for confirmation from the company. The visits requested will be confirmed by EDP by sending an e-mail or by telephone call. Visits to La Malva must be requested at least 3 days in advance.