
Go to Image EoActivo
Disfruta con nosotros de dos de las actividades de mayor calidad y más exclusivas del Principado, el descenso del Río Eo en canoa y la Vía Verde del Ferrocarril en bicicleta
GPS: 43.408564,-7.148667
Bicicleta de montaña: 15 €
Piragüismo: 25 €
Tiro con arco: Consultar
Alquiler de bicicletas: Consultar
Descenso en canoa: Consultar
No extra charge will be made for the pet
No extra charge will be made for the pet
Limitation of the size/weight of the dogSin limitación
Limitation of the size/weight of the dog
Maximum number of dogs per personSin limitación
Maximum number of dogs per person
Equipment required for the activity
Equipment required for the activity
They provide the necessary material for the activity
They provide the necessary material for the activity
Company-specific rules
  • Dogs of breeds considered potentially dangerous are allowed.
  • Para canoa no tenemos chaleco salvavidas para perros.

    Para ruta en bicicleta tenemos remolques especificos para ellos.

Information provided by :TA EoActivo.
Establishment registered with the Principality of Asturias Registry of Tourist Activities with DGT codeTA224.
Approximate rates.