- Title San Tirso de Abres Western Asturias
- Address Address: C/ General Aranda ■ 33774 - O Chao
- Phone Phone: 985 476 407
- Email Email: centropescaeo@hotmail.com
- Site Site: http://www.santirsodeabres.com
The Interpretation Centre of Fishing in the Eo is located in the old public instruction centre (schools) of San Tirso de Abres.
Through different media (audiovisual, photographic and computer) you can learn about the river Eo, the different species that inhabit it or the relationship between man and the river, how humans have used the richness of its waters to their advantage and, above all, the importance that fishing has had in the area.
Exhibition of objects and tools, both traditional and modern, related to fishing. Rods, flies, nets, reels, pots, fish traps, hooks, baskets... help to understand what fishing meant in the Eo for a large part of the last century.
01/07 a 31/08:
Monday to Sunday: 10:00 to 16:00 h.
Closed: Wednesday
Rest of the year: consult 985 634 402
Guided tour: 13:00 h.
Individual: 2 €.
Children under 12 years: free