Ruta Foces del Raigosu

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Foces del Raigosu
GPS: 43.17979283567713, -5.525438950766619

Les Mestres - Majada de las Casas de Raigosu 13,6

This new route starts at Les Mestres, on the LV-5 road, belonging to the council of Laviana, a little before the village of La Fomermeya. There we find the information panel about the route and a car park, where we can leave our car.

In the first 600 metres of the route, we start to walk along the track indicated by the sign. The path runs alongside the river that gives the route its name, the Raigosu, and through chestnut trees.

After 1.5 kilometres from the start, we come to a new crossroads: to the right it would take us to the village of Los Tornos, but we continue on our way to the left. Here you will also find a cave, known as Les Xanes cave. The path becomes narrower, the chestnut trees disappear and we find beech and birch trees.

Halfway along the route, kilometre 3, the Raigosu river joins the Gatu stream, and the path becomes very narrow until we come across the ruins of an old mine. We reach the narrowest and narrowest point on the route, the Foz de Cebellales.

After another 1.5 kilometres, kilometre 4.6, the path leaves the Raigosu river behind and begins to zigzag up the Collaos slope, where there is a small viewpoint and a fountain.

Approximately 6.5 kilometres further on, almost at the end of the route, you will find yourself in the "majada de las Casas de Raigosu".

This route is located in an area bordered by the great limestone walls of the foothills of Peña Mea, so we can see the famous "ojo de buey" (bull's eye).