Since prehistoric times and the most remote antiquity, many paths have crossed Asturias from north to south and from east to west, forming the network of what are today the best hiking and trekking routes.


Photo of a group of people on the Tabayón del Mongallu hiking route in the council of Caso

Different cultures have used these paths - today converted into hiking trails - to communicate, to negotiate valleys, rivers and mountains, to engage in trade, to move livestock from one area to another, and even to party to enrich social life.

Hiking and trekking routes in Asturias generate a healthy way of life both physically and mentally, and in addition to the contact with nature, they allow you to get to know the local culture, history, and the rural world of the past and present.

Hiking in Asturias will show you a place of spectacular beauty and unique light, where more than 30% of its surface is protected under some form of conservation, and where there is a great diversity of routes, both coastal and mountain.

For all these reasons, Asturias is an ideal place to be explored on foot, calmly, and with an attitude of humility and respect for nature and its inhabitants.


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