Parque Nacional de los Picos de Europa

Go to Image Picos de Europa National Park
The highest peaks of the Cantabrian Mountains are found in this place where the legendary history of Asturias was born.
What to see
Picos de Europa National Park
GPS: 43.263064,-4.775271

The Picos de Europa National Park is located in the Cantabrian Mountains, between the provinces of Asturias, León and Cantabria.

Its vast extension includes territories belonging to the councils of Amieva, Cabrales, Cangas de Onís, Onís and Peñamellera Baja.


Restriction of access to the Covadonga Lakes (00:00 to 24:00 h.)

  • March: 23 to 31
  • April:

Weekends: 06,07; 13,14; 20,21; 27,28
29 y 30

  • May:

01 to 03
Weekends: 04,05; 11,12; 18,19; 25,26

  • June to October:

01/06 to 13/10 (except 25/07 and 08/09)
Weekends: 19,20; 26,27

  • November: 01 to 03 and 30
  • December: 01 to 09

From 23 March to 30 September

  • Total road closure.
  • First service: 8:00h
  • Last service up: 17:45h
  • Last service down: 20:50h

From 1 October to 9 December

  • Total road closure.
  • First service: 8:00h
  • Last service up: 16:00h
  • Last service down: 19:05h


Exceptions to the restriction: cyclists, authorised vehicles, sporting events and other duly authorised activities. Only Euro-IV or higher buses are allowed.

Documents and forms for various applications to the Picos de Europa National Park

Special transport service to the Cares Route, Bulnes, Tielve and Sotres (01/06 to 13/10)


Reception Centre of
Visitors. Dago House

33550 Cangues d'Onís/Cangas de Onís

Telephone 985 848 614

Bulnes Funicular
33554 Poncebos

Telephone 985 846 800