Asturian Art or Pre-Romanesque Art is a clear example of Asturias' participation in the European cultural avant-garde of the High Middle Ages.


Image of the exterior of the pre-Romanesque church of San Miguel de Lillo and its surroundings.

The Asturian Art or Pre-Romanesque Art treasures works dated between the 8th and 10th centuries that prove the development of the Kingdom of Asturias, thus demonstrating an intellectual wealth of which today we can appreciate its artistic imprint.

This cultural manifestation had expert artists, with great technical mastery and symbolic capacity, integrating sculpture and painting or guarding the delicate gold and silver work.

The art of the Asturian monarchy, known as Asturian Art or Pre-Romanesque Art, marks an exceptional milestone in medieval European culture. It represents a brilliant period in which traditions dating back to Paleo-Christian art and drawing from the classical world crystallised.

It is an artistic and cultural manifestation that generated the most complete and homogeneous group of early medieval architecture in Western Europe, geographically concentrated and with an exceptional quality of conservation of its original state, factors that make it unique.

It arose and developed at the height of the splendour of the Emirate of Córdoba and transcended its time, decisively influencing later European architecture.


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Precisely, the great historical and cultural importance of this legacy of the Asturian monarchy was the main reason for UNESCO to declare some of these works as World Heritage Sites, the first in 1985, extending the list in 1998 to six Asturian monuments from the 9th century. In addition to these, there are other constructions and artistic pieces that invite you to travel around Asturias to discover them.

List of pre-Romanesque monuments

Asturian Art or Pre-Romanesque Art encompasses churches, buildings and artistic works associated with the Kingdom of Asturias, whose historical development spans the 8th to 10th centuries (718-910), reflecting a crucial stage in the cultural and architectural evolution of the region.